Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010 Thus Far...

Ok! There is so much to write about these days that I’ll have to admit, I’ve been keeping away from writing. 2010 is such a fabulous year! I’m loving it! Since I wrote my goals for 2010 I’ve already hit the 10 pound mark! I’m down (as of Friday) 12.4 pounds, good enough to take 2nd place in Overstock’s Biggest Loser competition. WOHOO!!! Now just to maintain... I have been having some problems with my knee the last couple of weeks, so running hasn’t been happening as much lately, but I discovered Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred and I LOVE IT! I’m totally addicted to it. I try to run for a little bit before doing it, but even if I don’t run the work out kicks my butt! I’ve also been trying to get back to Yoga on a semi regular basis. I went last night, but can’t tonight or tomorrow  So I think that I need to get BL’s Yoga workout so that on the nights I can’t get to class I can still do it at home! For anyone looking for some new work outs I highly advise getting the 30 Day Shred and getting into Yoga! You’ll love it after the initial shock!

As for the Temple attendance goal….3 down, 10 to go! Look at that train get a move on! It’s been awesome! My friend Kristy is doing it with me. It’s been a wonderful experience to share with her and it’s helped to make our friendship that much stronger. We went to St. George on January 23rd (right after I ran my first ½ Marathon of the year, ouch!) and then we went to Mt. Timp on January 26th for our Stake Temple Week and on February 6th we went to Oquirrh Mountain, it was gorgeous! Still to come this month is Provo and Jordan River. I’m so excited! I’ve felt that I’ve grown in my spirituality so much already this year, but I’ve also noticed that Satan has upped the ante! He’s trying to tempt me so much more now, and I just have to remember to crush him! Tonight is our ward temple night for the month, so I’ll be attending Timp again :D

To be honest, I haven’t really started on my personal training certificate yet, BUT I am working with a girl to help get her started on weights and I have two more people in my life that have started running, so I feel like I’m influencing people for good. :D I’m absolutely loving running (don’t worry, that only took 3 years!) and pushing myself to shatter my self-imposed limits.

Overall I’m feeling really good about life right now. I feel like 2010 is a year of so much promise and a huge opportunity to grow and to make my relationships with my loved ones stronger. There are a few other things that I have on my goals list for this year, but I don’t want to share them just yet, gotta keep a few things in my pocket for some surprises later in the year!

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