Thursday, November 19, 2009

2010 Goals

So I know that it's a bit early for New Year's Resolutions, but these are some things that I've been thinking a lot about lately. So I decided that I had to write them down and get them out there or I'm sure that I'll forget ones as the holidays swing into full gear, plus it just makes me excited for new beginnings! So my first goal for the year 2010 came to me during Sacrament meeting one Sunday and then that evening it was reaffirmed to me during a fireside that I attended with my friend Tiffany. I've decided to travel to and attend a session in every temple in Utah. That means 13 Temples in 12 months, that shouldn't be too difficult. I'm actually really excited to do it! I have a couple of friends who are going to attend with me, but I just realized that one is leaving in July, so we might have to do it in 7 months….oh dear.

Goal Two is really the same old goal that everyone has every year…loose those excess 10 pounds already! We're actually starting a Biggest Looser session at work tomorrow that runs until February 12th, so just enough time to get serious about excising and eating healthy again. Under this goal would of course include things like running another ½ marathon and two 10k's. It's time to get my butt back in gear and make it smaller :D

Goal Three is one that I tried to start this year, but failed to really get it going. I'm going to get my Personal Training Certificate before the end of the year. I know, that gives me a long time to do something that shouldn't take that long, but I'm being generous with myself. Realistically I'd like to do it in the first three months of the year and then be able to start working with individuals, but we'll keep the time line as the end of the year.

I'm sure that there are more goals to come, but for now, these are them :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great goals! Here's to sticking with it this time!