Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I'm sitting here watching The Biggest Loser Season Premiere and I can't believe what I'm seeing! It scares me how big these people are and how much baggage they are carrying. I'm so glad that this show started again tonight cause it's always such an inspiration to me. This season it's three fold for me, I'm excited to get up in the morning and get my butt to the gym tomorrow (since I did miss this morning!). I'm also feeling the need to get in gear on my studying to get my training certificate so that I can get out there and help people that are in the same situation. I'd love to have it by the end of the year, that's my goal anyways! The last reason that I'm so excited about this season is because I'm sitting here with both of my parents watching this and just hoping that it inspires them too! They are doing awesome though right now, getting themselves to the gym and eating healthier. Hopefully we can all continue on our quest to be healthier. Happy Biggest Loser Season everyone! MWAH!


J. Doug said...

go Megan! I've just lost 30 lbs over the summer.
You'd be great as a trainer. Get that certificate.

I have to say that last night I did get a little overly annoyed at Shey...

Megan said...

True, she was bugging some, hopefully she snaps out of it and turns out to be cool. I'm ready for a season of BL without drama again :D

And go Doug! 30 lbs! That's awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah baby! I can't wait to watch it either, It's recorded and waiting for me to have time to watch...so many shows so little time.

Wanna come practice training me?! My butt, gutt and thighs are taking over! arugh!