Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday Ponderings

Have you ever noticed how you can wear the same size jeans as someone else, you can be the same weight or the same height as them but the jeans won’t look the same on you as they do on them? The same principle applies spiritually. You can hear the same lesson, sit through the same sacrament meeting, even study the same scriptures, but the lessons you learn, the teachings that prick your heart and who you become spiritually will not be the same as the person wearing your identical jeans. We are all unique, we all learn differently; we all reflect what we learn differently. So there really is no point in comparing ourselves to those around us.

At the end of last year President Belnap came to our ward and had us all “pledge” to not partake in any self destructive behaviors. I would venture to say that that includes spiritually as well as physically and temporally. The only one you should compare yourself with is you. Continue to better yourself every day, but don’t allow yourself to be too self critical. Build yourself up through personal worship; through scripture study, temple attendance, personal prayers & service. Get to know you, not the worldly you, but the Child of God that is your true self. Only then can you truly understand your whole potential.

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